CEI SEEMO Award for Outstanding Merits in Investigative Journalism 2022: winner announcement Awarding ceremony on 16 November in Sarajevo during the South East Europe Media Forum (SEEMF)
With this year’s Award, the Central European Initiative (CEI) and the South East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO) wish to convey a message of support to Ukrainian independent media which carry out their work with courage, efforts, quality reporting and persistence despite the challenges and threats caused by the Russian aggression to Ukraine. Among the various journalists, the CEI and SEEMO have selected Anna Babinets for her long-lasting experience and commitment in investigative reporting as well as for her current engagement in providing evidence of war crimes against Ukrainian civilians . Moreover, Babinets has been involved in the work of the jury of the CEI SEEMO Award for years and has actively contributed to the South East Europe Media Forum, thus providing visibility to investigative journalism and highlighting its role in democratic societies.

Based in Kyiv, Anna Babinets is the co-founder and editor-in-chief of the independent investigative agency Slidstvo.Info and member of the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP). In 2019, she received the International Women’s Media Foundation’s Courage in Journalism Award. She also worked on the Ukrainian segment of the Panama Papers project which won a Pulitzer Prize (2017). She was a reporter of the investigative documentary “ Killing Pavel” about the murder of Ukrainian journalist Pavel Sheremet which won the 2017 Investigative Reporters and Editors Medal (USA) and the 2018 DIG Award (Italy). Babinets was also a member of the YanukovychLeaks investigative project which won a Global Shining Light Award from the Global Investigative Journalism Network in 2015.
Slidstvo.Info is one of the seven Ukrainian independent media which have recently received the Free Media Pioneer Award 2022 promoted by the IPI-International Press Institute in partnership with the IMS-International Media Support.
The CEI SEEMO Award will be presented to Anna Babinets on 16 November 2022 (20:00-20:15) during the South East Europe Media Forum taking place in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Anna Babinets
Anna is the Editor-in-Chief of SLIDSTVO.INFO investigative agency based Kyiv, Ukraine. Also a Regional Editor of Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project ( OCCRP).
As a journalsit Anna specializes in discovering hight scale corruption, money laundering shmenes and crimes. She is part of the Panama Papers team –several stories about Ukrainian president`s Petro Poroshenko offshore companies was written by her.
One of authors of Killing Pavel documenary – about murder of a famous journalist in Kyiv. The documentary got DIG Award (Italy) and IRE Medal (USA) in 2018.
From the beginning of Russian-Ukrainian war Anna and Slidstvo.Info focus on the covering war crimes, reportages from the fields (Kyiv and other Ukrainian cities), researching and identifying Russian militaries in Ukraine.
Translation for SEEMF participants from BIH in local language:
CEI SEEMO Nagrada za izvanredne zasluge u istraživačkom novinarstvu 2022: proglašenje pobednika
Ceremonija dodele nagrada održaće se 16. novembra/studenog u Sarajevu tokom Medijskog foruma jugoistočne Evrope (SEEMF)
Ovogodišnjom nagradom Central European Initiative (CEI) i South East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO) žele da prenesu poruku podrške ukrajinskim nezavisnim medijima koji svoj rad obavljaju sa hrabrošću, trudom, kvalitetnim izveštavanjem i upornošću uprkos svim izazovima kao i pretnjama izazvanim ruskom agresijom u Ukrajini. Među raznim novinarima Anna Babinets je od CEI i SEEMO odabrana zbog njenog dugogodišnjeg iskustva i posvećenosti istraživačkom novinarstvu, kao i zbog njenog trenutnog angažmana u pružanju dokaza o ratnim zločinima nad ukrajinskim civilima. Babinets je godinama bila član žirija CEI SEEMO nagrade i aktivno je doprinosila Medijskom forumu jugoistočne Evrope (SEEMF), pružajući na taj način vidljivost istraživačkom novinarstvu i naglašavajući njegovu ulogu u demokratskim društvima.
Sa sedištem u Kijevu, Anna Babinets je suosnivač i glavni urednik nezavisne istraživačke agencije Slidstvo.Info, kao i član Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP). Godine 2019. dobila je nagradu Međunarodne ženske medijske fondacije za hrabrost u novinarstvu. Takođe je radila na segmentu ukrajinskog projekta Panama Papers koji je osvojio Pulicerovu nagradu (2017). Bila je reporterka istraživačkog dokumentarca „Ubijanje Pavela“ o ubistvu ukrajinskog novinara Pavla Šeremeta koji je osvojio medalju za istraživačke reportere i urednike (SAD) 2017 godine. i nagradu DIG (Italija) 2018 godine. Babinets je takođe bila član istraživačkog projekta YanukovychLeaks koji je osvojio nagradu Global Shining Light od Globalne mreže istraživačkog novinarstva 2015 godine.
Slidstvo.Info je jedan od sedam ukrajinskih nezavisnih medija koji su nedavno dobili nagradu Free Media Pioneer 2022 koju promoviše IPI – International Press Institute u partnerstvu sa IMS-International Media Support.
Nagrada CEI SEEMO biće uručena 16. novembra/studenog 2022 godine (20:00-20:15) tokom South East Europe Media Forum koji se održava u Sarajevu, u Bosni i Hercegovini.