Posts Under: SEEMO Joint Statemenst 2020
20 June 2020: Rights groups protest Turkish ban on radio station ‘Özgürüz’ and ongoing harassment of Can Dündar
9 July 2020: Joint statement in support of the mandate of the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media
14 July 2020: EBU SEEMO EFJ – Slovenia
16 July 2020: Government asked to enact Cybersecurity and Data Protection Bill in line with continental benchmarks
17 September 2020: Rights groups raise concerns as Albania looks to push ahead with controversial ‘anti-defamation law’
24 September 2020: 31 human rights groups call for urgent response to the Algerian government’s intensifying crackdown on civil society and journalists amidst the COVID-19 pandemic
1 October 2020: Slovenia: News outlet ‘Necenzurirano’ hit with 39 SLAPP lawsuits
16 December 2020: Rights organizations call on Biden administration to shift US policy toward Bahrain
14 October 2020 Turkey’s press freedom crisis is worsening
1 December 2020 Protecting public watchdogs across the EU: A proposal for an EU anti-SLAPP law