Istria Media Days 14-16 October 2024


In cooperation with

Daria Grudić

Daria Grudić is a Distribution Manager in the Distribution Europe department at Deutsche Welle. Her main responsibilities include the distribution of DW content in the Benelux countries, along with the distribution of the German News Service project in Europe, with a special emphasis on the Balkan countries.
Daria’s academic journey led her to earn a Bachelor’s degree in Journalism in Zagreb, Croatia.
She worked for 8 years as a journalist and editor across various media platforms in Croatia,
spanning from online and radio to magazines. In 2015 she moved to the Netherlands to pursue
a Master’s degree in Media Innovation. In 2021, Daria joined the Distribution Europe team at
Deutsche Welle and moved to Germany

Dinko Gruhonjić


Lejla Turčilo

Dr. sci. Lejla Turčilo is a full time professor at the Department of Communication Science/ Journalism at the Faculty of Political Science, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina, where she teaches courses in Media Theory, TV Journalism, Online Journalism and Media and Politics at the undergraduate and master’s degree level and Creation of New Public by PR and Online Media at the Doctoral Study. She has published four authored books, six co-authored books, as well as one manual and five research publications. She has published more than forty scientific and professional papers in Bosnia and Herzegovina and abroad. She is the head of the Center for Lifelong Learning at the Faculty of Political Sciences of the University of Sarajevo and the head of the Department of Communication Science/ Journalism. Her field of interest is online communication, intercultural communication, media literacy and media freedom.

Marina Constantinoiu

Marina Constantinoiu studied journalism at Bucharest University and began her career as a journalist during her first semester of studies. With nearly 33 years of experience in the field, she has held various significant roles, including Head of the Foreign Desk, Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Editor-in-Chief, and Project Coordinator. Her career has spanned across different media platforms, starting with public radio, national daily newspapers, press agencies, and online multimedia news websites.
In addition to her extensive professional background, Marina is actively involved in various media organizations. She serves as a board member of SEEMO (South East Europe Media Organization) and is a member of EJA (European Journalists Association) and CLEW (Clean Energy Wire Network). Marina has received two awards for investigative journalism and is an alumna of the Robert Bosch Foundation’s “Reporters in the Field” media program and the IJP (Internationale Journalisten Programme), the German-Central Eastern European Bursary program.
Furthermore, Marina shares her knowledge and expertise by teaching journalism at Bucharest University, specifically at the Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication, where she works with MA students.

Nataša Ružić

Nataša Ružić is a professor at the Faculty of Political Science of the University of Montenegro in Podgorica. She graduated from People’s
Friendship University of Russia (Department of Journalism), Moscow. Upon graduation, she was awarded a scholarship for MA studies at the same university. She defended her PhD dissertation at the Faculty of Political Science, University of Montenegro in Podgorica in November 2010, where she has been teaching Introduction to Journalism, History of Journalism, Media in Crisis Situations and Journalist Ethics since September 2011.

Thomas Bauer


Oliver Vujovic

Oliver Vujovic is a co-founder of the South East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO) and since 2000 has been SEEMO Secretary General. Vujovic worked as a journalist and Balkan correspondent for the Austrian daily Die Presse between 1991 and 2000, and as a freelancer for different media in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and the UK. He also worked in the marketing department of the German company Henkel. He graduated in economics and is currently working on a PhD at the University of Vienna. Vujovic started his professional work as a journalist for Radio Indeks 202 (Radio Belgrade) in Belgrade (1988) and worked from the founding for Radio B92 in Belgrade (1989). In 2000 and 2001, he served as Director of the Vienna Balkan publication Südosteuropäischer Dialog, and Director and Advisor of the Kulturzentrum in Vienna.

Vujovic is also a founder and Deputy Director of the South-East and Central Europe PR Organisation (SECEPRO) in Vienna and of the International Institute – International Media Center in Vienna. He is also co-founder and Deputy Director of the International Academy in Belgrade. He is author, co-editor, editor, and publisher of numerous books, magazines, publications, research articles, and research papers.
Oliver Vujovic was member of different boards.
Currently he is member of the ECPMF (Leipzig, Germany) Supervisory Board.

Viktorija Car

Viktorija Car (PhD in Media and Communication) is a Full Professor at the University of Split, Croatia, at the Communication and Media studies. Previously she worked for 22 years at the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Political Science, Media and Communication Department. She is a Research Fellow of the Social Science Research Center at Mississippi State University, USA.
In the focus of her scientific research are public service media, visual culture and visual media, media narratives, digital activism, media and gender studies, media and human rights, media and minority studies. She was project leader of the Digital Data and Security project (University of Zagreb, 2018-2022). She was a MC member of the COST Action IS0906: Transforming Audiences, Transforming Societies: “New challenges and methodological innovations in European media audience research“(2010-2014). She coordinated Council of Europe CARDS project Radio-television Student (2004, 300.000 Eur).
She was the founding Editor-in-Chief of the Media Studies journal ( 2010-2017. She was member of the HRT Program Council (Croatian public service radio-television) 2011-2012. She worked as a journalist and a screenwriter for the Croatian Public Service Television Hrvatska televizija (HTV) 1998-2002, at the Education Program. She was general manager of the Croatian Association of Fine Artists (HDLU) 2003-2004.
She edited or is a co-editor of 6 books, Requirements for Modern Journalism Education – The Perspective of Students in South East Europe (2016), Mediji, novinarstvo i ljudska prava [Media, journalism and human rights] (2017), Mediji i javni interes [Media and public interest] (2016), Medijska pismenost – preduvjet za odgovorne medije [Media Literacy – Prerequisite for Accountable Media] (2015), Mi i oni kroz medijske naočale: medijski diskursi u Bosni i Hercegovini, Hrvatskoj i Srbiji [We and They through Media Lenses: Media Discourses in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Serbia] (2015) and Putokazi prema slobodnim i odgovornim medijima [Guideposts to Free and Accountable Media] (2012). She is author or co-author of about 30 articles and book chapters. Her bibliography is available on
and on