April 20, 2023

Seven-year investigation concludes with no evidence found

After seven years, in February 2023, the state investigation involving Turkish photo reporter t Bilal Seçkin ( @bilalseckin), who was a correspondent of the Dicle News Agency (DİHA),and works now as a freelancer, has been closed as BIANET informed. Seçkin was facing charges of “making propaganda for a terrorist organization” due to his reporting from a protest. The prosecutor’s office stated after 7 years that there was not enough evidence to support the accusations. The journalist was taken into custody in a police raid on his house in Kars, Turkey in January, 2016. The police released Seçkin a day later and took his statement. After five months in 2016 the police returned his computer and hard discs. However, the investigation was not closed for seven years.

#fyp #mediafreedom #seemo #freespeech #southeasteuropemediaorganisation #ngo #journalist #journalistunerattack #turkey #diha #BilalSeçkin