March 15, 2017


Vienna, 15/03/2017

The South East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO) expressed deep concern about the latest developments in Belarus.

The Belarus police arrested in the cities Vitebsk, Orsha, Rahachow / Rogachev and Brest on 12 March 18 journalists and bloggers who were covering protest against a law that imposes a tax on those not in full-time employment.

The police arrested the journalists for different reasons, like incorrect parking, violation of media legislation, for verification of the personal documents and with some other explanations.

Journalists Galina Abakunchyk, Siarhei Piatrukhin, Katsiaryna Andreeva (Bahvalova) and Dzmitry Harbunou spent a night in the detention. On 13 March Galina Abakunchyk and Ekaterina

Katsiaryna Andreeva (Bahvalova) were fined about 190 EUR each for “participation” in the protest rally which they covered as reporters.