April 10, 2023

Alen Vejzagić (April 2023)

– MA in political science in the field of security and peace.
– Active in CSO sector through Public Interest Advocacy Center since 2018.
– Active as a volunteer for multiple CSOs before becoming a staff member in CPI.
– Member of Open Government Partnership in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
– Actively engaged in work with students of the Faculty of Political Sciences in Sarajevo on the topic of whistleblowers and whistleblower protection.
– Initiator of the projects „Zatalasaj“ (eng. Rock the Boat) mini-podcast series, and Whistleblower 101 Panel discussion which aimed to bring the topic of whistleblowers closer to students, and to speed up the process of introducing this topic into the official curriculum through the organization of projects at the Faculty of Political Science and through including the staff of this Faculty in project activities.

1. Please present us CPI.

2. What is the CPI database of public finances?

3. How is the cooperation with public institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina for obtaining information for this database? Are all institutions open and willing to provide the information?

4. Do you have cooperation with journalists and media in BIH, as both whistleblowers and journalists are important for obtaining information in cases of corruption?

5. Is it harder to be a whistleblower in a public institution or a private company? Who is better protected?

6. How is the legal regulation for the protection of whistleblowers in BIH? How is it in RepublikaSrprska and how is it in Federation?

7. Can you tell us more about the case of Milan Vukelic?

8. Finally, how strong is the corruption in BIH?