March 30, 2001


Vienna, 30 March 2001

Kerem Lawton, Associated Press Television News (APTN) producer and journalist was killed yesterday on 29 March 2001 in Kosovo when when a mortar shell hit his car in Krivenik, close to the Kosovo-FYROM border. All happened 1,1 km inside Kosovo. At least two other persons were killed and 10 wounded in the assault. Lawton came to report about the conflict between official troops of FYROM – Republic of Macedonia and ethnic Albanian rebels. Both the army of FYROM – Republic of Macedonia and the rebels denied that they were responsible for the attack and killing of the journalist.

Sylejman `Suki Kllokoqi, an APTN cameraman who was with Lawton, left the car to photograph refugees, so he was uninjured.

The Vienna South East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO) condemns the killing and is asking for an open and transparent investigation of the case.